Protecting Santri From The Threat Of Sexual Violence, Lebak Regency Government Forms LPATM

BANTEN - The government of Lebak Regency, Banten, has established the Community-Based Integrated Child Care Institute (LPATBM) to protect students who are studying Islam from threats of sexual violence. West, so that all villages/kelurahan have formed LPATBM," said Head of the Lebak Regency Population Control, Family Planning, Women Empowerment, and Child Protection (DP2KBP3A) Dedi Indepur in Lebak, Monday, July 4. So far, LPATBM in Lebak Regency has been running optimally to protect students as well as elementary to high school students from threats of sexual violence. education and local community leaders. In addition, LPATBM also has Friends of Women and Children (SAPA) volunteers, so they can carry out socialization and education about punishments for perpetrators of sexual violence. so as not to become victims of sexual violence. "So far we have not received any reports of sexual violence against students or students," he said. According to him, the presence of LPATBM in the village/kelurahan really provides comfort and security for students from threats of violence. They are SAPA volunteers who conduct discussions, coaching, socialization every month This leads to a dangerous impact on the future of victims of sexual violence. In addition, SAPA volunteers if there is sexual violence, then report the case to the police for legal processing to the court. Because cases of child sexual violence have a strong legal umbrella, namely the Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence. Victims of violence that occurred in Lebak Regency until June 2022 were recorded as 56 cases and no victims were found from among the students. he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of Panancangan Village, Cibadak District, Lebak Regency, Elis Nuraeni, said that LPATBM in his village has been running to provide security and comfort for santri and students from the threat of sexual violence. "We have synergized with the management of Islamic boarding schools and general education to protect santri and students from the threat of sexual violence," he said.