COVID-19 In North Sumatra Is "Crazy", Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Are Exposed, This Is The Complete Data

MEDAN - The Task Force for Handling COVID-19 reported that the daily cases in North Sumatra increased by three people as of July 3, 2022, so the accumulation rose to 155,192 patients.

Data from the COVID-19 Task Force received in Medan, Sunday evening, July 3, stated that the three new cases per day were cases of local transmission.

Meanwhile, the number of recovered cases of COVID-19 increased by one person, bringing the total to 151,866 recovered cases.

Then, for cases of death due to COVID-19 in North Sumatra, there were no additions so the total still stood at 3,259 people.

Based on this data, there are currently 67 active cases or patients undergoing treatment and isolation due to COVID-19.

Nationally, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 per Sunday increased by 1,614 cases, of which 1,579 were local transmissions and 35 were overseas travelers. The current accumulation is 6,093,917 cases.

Nationally recovered cases of COVID-19 increased by 1,606 people to 5,920,249 people. The number of deaths due to COVID-19 nationally increased by four people, bringing it to 156,749 people.