Basarnas Ambon Continues Evacuation Of Crew Of KM Rizky Mulia Drowning In Central Maluku

AMBON - The Ambon Basarnas Search and Rescue Office has resumed its evacuation mission of eight crew members of KM Rizky Mulia who drowned in the waters of Mai Island, Lucipara Islands, Central Maluku Regency.

"Now the second day of evacuation is underway where 23 personnel consisting of five Basarnas Rescuers, six Polda Maluku Polairud personnel, and 12 KN SAR Abimanyu crew members have been deployed," said Head of the local Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, Mustari in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Friday July 1st.

The state ship SAR Abimanyu has moved from the LIPI Pier Ambon to the incident location with coordinates 5°21'38.36" S - 127°30'27.12" E, approximately 118 NM, heading 200.89° south of the Ambon SAR Office.

KM Rizky Mulia is known to have sailed from Ambon City on June 18, 2022 to Probolinggo with a cargo of Gaharu Kemedangan and eight crew members.

However, on June 19, the ship was hit by high waves in the waters of the Banda Sea resulting in a broken rudder and adrift for four days before sinking.

"The eight crew members survived and were found stranded by the lighthouse guard of the Ambon Navigation District on Mai Island, Lucipara Islands in Central Maluku Regency," said Mustari.

In this mission, KN SAR Abhimanyu was ordered to evacuate all crew members KM Rizky Mulia and brought back to Ambon City for further treatment.

The eight crew members of the ill-fated ship were the captain named La Deni, Mahudi (KKM), Askari, Yuskar, Usman, Sulaiman, Ode Yasmin, and Yursi as the crew.