Becoming IKN's Closest Neighbor, North Barito Must Preen As A Buffer Area

JAKARTA - The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government has asked North Barito Regency to improve to become a buffer zone for the new State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan. The reason is that North Barito is located close to IKN. "This preparation must be done optimally, so that together we can move forward for a more advanced Indonesia," said Nuryakin, Thursday, June 30, quoted from Antara. In this case, the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government is ready to support North Barito. , so that the fulfillment of needs in various sectors such as development in the fields of education, health, and others can continue to be accelerated. The determination of IKN in East Kalimantan must be responded well by Central Kalimantan, including North Barito, so that it can truly become a buffer zone, so that it can participate feel the impact to the fullest. As an effort to accelerate the acceleration of development in the education sector in the Barito watershed area --North Barito, East Barito, South Barito and Murung Raya--, Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran wants to build a university.

Sugianto will immediately follow up with the regents so that construction is expected to begin in 2023. As for the funding scheme, it will be coordinated and formulated together. "This is needed to support the development of human resources, including by optimizing the education sector," he explained. "So far, many people from Central Kalimantan have studied in Banjarmasin and other provinces. We hope that outsiders will study in Central Kalimantan," he stressed. the IKN. So according to him, the public must be able to compete and not just be spectators. "Superior and professional human resources must be thoroughly prepared, through improving the quality of education, by establishing cooperation and synergy, as well as good communication between stakeholders," he said.