Parents Asked To Beware Of MIS-C On Children After Exposure To COVID-19

JAKARTA - Head of the COVID-19 Task Force of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Yogi Prawira asked parents to be aware of the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) in children after exposure to COVID-19.

"During the acute phase, 70 percent of the children may have mild symptoms, even some without symptoms. But we still have to be vigilant after that, if for example, symptoms of inflammation arise, we must immediately see a doctor," said Yogi in the webinar Healthy Holidays, Children. Safe for COVID-19 quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 29.

He said, many assumed that children infected with COVID-19 only appeared in the acute phase or the infected phase.

In fact, he continued, many doctors found the condition of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) in children after being exposed to COVID-19.

MIS-C conditions generally occur in the advanced phase even though the PCR results are negative. This condition appears two to six weeks after exposure to COVID-19.

MIS-C is a medical condition when parts of the body's organs in children become inflamed or inflamed including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or digestive organs.

"It's something of a syndrome, a severe inflammation that occurs in various organ systems, it actually happened after COVID-19," he said.

Yogi said that if a child is exposed to COVID-19 from the acute phase to the critical phase, the child usually has comorbidities such as congenital heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and immune system deficiency.

Yogi added, MIS-C often occurs in children with good immunity. But a few weeks or months after COVID-19 is resolved, there will be severe inflammation.

"So our children don't just talk about the acute phase. In fact, when the PCR is negative, some children experience severe inflammation, so the most important thing is prevention," he said.

Therefore, continued Yogi, parents are asked to take into account risk factors if they want to travel with their children out of the house.

"If you really have to travel, maybe look for an open location, open ventilation, there is air flow. Even though it's outdoor, I still recommend using masks for children over two years old," he said.