KPU Wants Revision Of Election Law To Be Completed By The End Of 2022 To Ensure DOB Status

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission wants the revision of the Election Law to be completed by the end of 2022 to ensure that new autonomous regions (DOB) are included in the 2024 Simultaneous General Election and Regional Head Election.

"The end of 2022. Why? Because in February there was already an activity or stage for the KPU to determine electoral districts, so that the provisions regarding electoral districts (electoral districts) must be ready", said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 29.

Then, in May 2023, said Hasyim, the nomination stage had to be held, both for the DPR RI and Regional Representative Council RI.

"Therefore, before the nomination, as much as possible, the affairs of the electoral district have been completed (including the electoral district for the new autonomous region if the revision of the law is completed by the end of 2023). Ideally, that is the case", he said.

Hasyim explained that there are two forms of new autonomous regions, the first is a new autonomous region like in Papua and the second is the state capital.

The new autonomous region in Papua, according to him, will have an impact on voters, the electoral district for the allocation of seats in the Indonesian House of Representatives, and the election of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD), governor, and regent or mayor if a regency or city is formed.

"The name is also DOB, a new autonomous region, one of the signs is that the autonomous region has a DPRD. Then the consequence is that there is a provincial DPRD and the electoral district must also be reorganized", he said.

As long as there is no formation of city districts, according to the former member of the Central Java Regional General Election Commission (KPUD), then there will be no problem with the election of regional heads and DPRD level II.

According to him, the new autonomous regions clearly affect the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives and the formation of a new provincial DPRD. Then the Regional Representative Council, which was originally only represented in one province, with new autonomous regions will certainly increase its representation.

"The question is about filling in for the election tomorrow or later after the 2024 election. Likewise, if there is a new region, as an autonomous region there must be a new governor who wants to be filled, when? 2024 regional election or when? We will discuss this with the Government and House of Representatives", he said.

Then the consequences of IKN, he said, will be determined whether the State Capital will be in the form of an autonomous province or not.

"What is clear is that the IKN law states that there will be presidential elections, House of Representatives, and Regional Representative Council elections. Thus, the electoral consequences must be new electoral districts specifically for IKN for the Indonesian House of Representatives and Regional Representative Council", said Hasyim.