Beware Of Fake Wasp Oil, BPOM Jayapura Explains The Difference

JAKARTA - The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (POM) in Jayapura appealed to the public to be careful when buying wasp oil to prevent fraudulent counterfeit products.

Head of the POM Center in Jayapura Mojaza Sirait said the characteristics of illegal wasp oil on the labeling did not match, then the packaging did not have a hologram and the label looked blurry.

"Besides that, the most striking thing is the price, which is much cheaper than the original. This is an indicator that it is not authentic," he said in Jayapura, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 28.

According to Mojaza, after the findings, his party immediately carried out a thorough check and immediately secured all the evidence. "For this reason, we will continue to carry out strict supervision to anticipate the circulation of illegal wasp oil, including other products that do not meet the provisions (TMK)," he said.

He explained that the discovery was found from February to May. Now his party is investigating the maker or supplier of illegal wasp oil. paid for by the shop owner and immediately disappeared without leaving a contact number, personal identity or anything else," he said again.

He added that throughout June there had been no further findings but his party would continue to monitor it, lest there be more circulation.