KPK Detains Suspect Of Bribery For Submission Of East Kolaka PEN Funds

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has detained the Head of the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency for Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Sukarman Loke (SL) as a suspect in the alleged bribery case for filing for the National Economic Recovery Fund (PEN) for East Kolaka in 2021.

Sukarman and LM Rusdianto Emba (LM RE), an entrepreneur who is also the younger brother of Muna La Ode Regent Muhammad Rusman Emba, have been named suspects in the development of an alleged bribery case for the application for the National Economic Recovery (PEN) fund for East Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, in 2021.

"For the purposes of the investigation, the investigative team carried out the first forcible detention of suspect SL for the next 20 days starting from June 23, 2022 to July 12, 2022 at the KPK Detention Center in Lot C1," said Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 23. .

Meanwhile, the suspect LM RE has not been arrested.

"KPK urges the suspect LM RE to cooperatively attend according to the schedule for summoning the next investigation team," said Ghufron.

Previously, the KPK first named three suspects in the alleged bribery of PEN funds. The recipients were the former Director General of Regional Finance of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Mochamad Ardian Noervianto (MAN) and the Head of the Muna La Ode Regency Environment Agency M Syukur Akbar (LMSA).

Meanwhile, the non-active Regent of East Kolaka Andi Merya Nur (AMN) as the donor.

In the construction of the case, Ghufron explained that AMN as the Regent of East Kolaka Regency wishes to be able to obtain additional funds related to infrastructure development needs in East Kolaka Regency.

"So that the process can be carried out immediately, AMN immediately contacted LM RE, which is known to have many networks to expedite the process of proposing the funds," he said.

Furthermore, LM RE established communication with SL, who is the Head of the Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency of Muna Regency, who has many acquaintances in the central government.

Next, he said, a meeting was held at a restaurant in Kendari City to discuss the preparation of the PEN funding proposal for East Kolaka Regency which was attended by AMN, SL, and LM RE.

"Because one of the conditions for the approval of the PEN fund loan approval process, namely the consideration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, especially from the Director General of Regional Financial Development, who was MAN at that time," he said.

Meanwhile, based on SL's information, the closest MAN to MAN is LMSA because he was a classmate at STPDN.

"For the next step, AMN entrusts LM RE and SK to prepare all administrative completeness of the proposal for a PEN fund loan with the proposed value of the PEN loan fund submitted to the Ministry of Finance of IDR 350 billion," said Ghufron.

The KPK suspects that SL, LMSA, and LM RE are actively facilitating the agenda of AMN's meeting with MAN in Jakarta and from that meeting. It is suspected that MAN is willing to agree to the proposal for a PEN fund loan from East Kolaka Regency by providing an amount of Rp. 2 billion.

"The process of giving money from AMN to MAN is carried out through the intermediary of LM RE, SL, and LMSA, including bank account transfers and cash transfers," he said.

For their assistance, the KPK suspects that SL and LMSA received a sum of money from AMN through LM RE of around Rp. 750 million.