Employee Transfer Without Clarity, Head Of Biak Health Center Forced Picked Up By Papuan Ombudsman Team

JAKARTA - The head of the Biak City Health Center, ZMM, was forcibly picked up by the Ombudsman (ORI) Papua Representative after three consecutive failures to call for clarification on community reports.

ORI Papua Representative Head Iwanggin S. Olif confirmed the forced pick-up in Biak Regency, Thursday, June 23. Furthermore, ZMM was asked for information on reports of alleged maladministration carried out in the office.

"Three calls obediently, the person concerned did not show good faith and was even suspected of obstructing the Ombudsman's duties, so we decided to forcefully pick him up", said Iwanggin, quoted from Antara.

ZMN was designated as the reported party after ORI Papua received a public report regarding the mutation of an employee of the Biak City Health Center outside its authority.

According to him, there are indications of abuse of authority in the position of a Head of the Biak City Health Center due to mutating his own employees with like-dislike elements or committing injustice in viewing a problem that originates from taste, not from the subject matter.

After being picked up, he said, the head of the Biak City Health Center was under investigation in the General Crime Room (Tipidum) of the Biak Numfor Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

Iwanggin emphasized that ORI has the authority to prevent KKN practices from public servants in Papua. If there is a criminal element, this case can be followed up by competent law enforcement officers.

The forced pick-up, he said, was carried out in cooperation with ORI Papua assisted by the Biak Numfor Police General Crime Investigation Team within the ranks of the Papuan Regional Police based on the mandate of Law Number 37 of 2008 and the MoU between ORI and the National Police Number: 08/ORI-MoU. /VI/2020.