Zulkifli Hasan Has Just Been Inaugurated As Jokowi's Minister, South Sulawesi PAN Working Meeting Has Scheduled Godok Candidates For 2024

MAKASSAR - The Regional Work Meeting (Rakerda) of the South Sulawesi National Mandate Party (PAN) scheduled one of them to discuss the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates which will take place on 18-30 June 2022 in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

"The plan is that there are 10 names of presidential candidates who will be screened later in the Rakerda. All 24 district-city DPD administrators are invited to attend," said the chairman of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) of the PAN Sulsel Party, Andi Muhammad Irfan AB, after a work meeting at the South Sulawesi DPRD office. reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 15.

According to him, the agenda follows up on the political directives of the PAN DPP considering that his party is one of the political parties included in the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) which was deliberately formed to face the General Election of President and Vice President on February 14, 2024.

Regarding the names of the candidates who are proposed and accommodated at the Rakerda, the results will be discussed again at the Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorwil) and then brought to the National Working Meeting or Rakernas.

"So, the results that will develop later in our friends from the region will be conveyed at the National Working Meeting, that this is the voice from below," he stressed.

When asked who the names of the candidates for discussion were, the South Sulawesi DPRD legislator mentioned several of them such as Zulkifli Hasan (Ketum PAN), Anies Baswedan (Governor of DKI Jakarta), Ganjar Pranowo (Governor of Central Java) to former Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran. Solomon.

As for South Sulawesi figures, such as Syahrul Yasin Limpo, who is now the Minister of Agriculture and the former Governor of South Sulawesi for two terms, whether he is included in the name of the nomination, he said, it is possible to enter, but it will depend on the dynamics and situation of the Regional Working Meeting later.

"We are still waiting for proposals from regional friends during the Rakerda. Of course, the proposals from the Rakerda will be brought to the Rakorwil at least 10 names. And from the Rakorwil to the Rakernas a minimum of eight names will be brought," Irfan said.

Regarding the criteria included in the proposed names for the candidates, of course they have a good track record or background in government or as a capable leader.

"You must have achievement, integrity and a religious nationalist background, including having a strong network not only at the local level but also at the national level," he emphasized.