Lembata Regency Government Urges Citizens To Beware Of Landslides From The Top Of Volcanoes

KUPANG - The government of Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara urges people in the area to be aware of the occurrence of landslides from the top of Mount Ile Lewotolok due to the increasing amount of material that has accumulated at the mouth of the crater of the mountain. affected by a volcanic disaster, to urge residents to be aware of landslides from the top of the mountain," said PJS Lembata Regent Marsianus Jawa from Lembata, Monday 13 June. accompanied by rain. Because it is feared that landslides will appear which could result in the emergence of hot clouds caused by heavy rain on the top of the mountain. Marsianus also admitted that he had directly monitored and saw the Mount Ile Lewotolok monitoring post to obtain information regarding the dangers of the mountain. anticipation. BPBD is ready and basically k We are ready if something untoward happens," he added, quoted by Antara. The obstacle that is currently happening in the field is that there are still some residents in a number of villages potentially affected by landslides who are reluctant to be moved to a safer place. So he said the government is trying to find the best way so that residents can avoid natural disasters if an avalanche occurs due to overflowing lava flows.

Previously, the Ile Lewotolok Volcano Monitoring Post on Lembata Island, Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, reported that the material at the top of the Ile Lewotolok crater is increasing and worrying. However, if it is full and at the same height as the top of the mountain, it will overflow," he said. He explained that now there are only a few meters left, about 3-5 meters of eruptive material and the eruption at the top of the crater of the mountain will overflow if there is a gap at the top of the mountain. That. Stanis said there are several villages that will be affected by the overflow of the material if the intensity of eruptions and eruptions accompanied by material continues. A number of villages such as the village of Lewotolok, Bungamuda village, Waowala and Riangbao village. Therefore, people in a number of villages need to be vigilant. Local governments are also advised to socialize these concerns, so that people also know and are aware of being evacuated if something untoward happens.