BK Ready To Process Allegations Of Ethical Violation Of Surabaya DPRD Members Who Was Raided By His Wife Together With Another Woman In The Apartment

SURABAYA - The Honorary Board of the Surabaya DPRD is ready to process allegations of ethical violations by members of the local DPRD for the raid by the wife of a member of the council against her husband when he was alone with another woman in an apartment in Surabaya, East Java.

"Yes, depending on the report, if there is no report, it will not be processed. Because we work based on reports," said Chairman of the Honorary Board (BK) of the Surabaya City DPRD, Badru Tamam, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 10.

Badru said that currently his party is still cross-checking the truth of the case. According to him, can not be one-sided in seeing the problem.

However, he emphasized that his party would conduct an ethics trial according to the applicable mechanism if the problem was proven.

"We saw first, it can't be unilateral like that. If it is proven, the applicable ethical mechanism will be implemented," said the PKB legislator.

Previously, it was widely reported that MR (24), the wife of a member of the Surabaya DPRD with the initials M, saw her husband alone with another woman in a room on the 12th floor of an apartment in West Surabaya on Thursday (9/6) at 00.15 WIB.

During the raid, MR was mistreated by H, who was none other than M. Seeing this, MR reported the incident to the Dukuh Pakis Surabaya Police.

Meanwhile, the Surabaya DPRD member with the initials M has yet to be confirmed. Until this news was written, M had not answered WhatsApp (WA) short messages or cell phone calls from journalists in Surabaya.