Deputy Governor Riza Promises The Formula E Budget Will Be Accountable, Including Commitment Fee

JAKARTA - The Formula E racing event was completed last Saturday, June 4. However, the use of the budget, especially the commitment fee that has been disbursed from the Regional Budget (APBD), is still being questioned by the PDIP and PSI Parties factions of the DKI Regional Representative Council (DPRD).

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that the use of the budget for the Formula E event was the business of the Regional-owned Enterprise (BUMD) PT Jakarta Propertindo as the organizer and the implementing committee.

However, Riza guarantees that the organizers and committee can account for the budget for this electric car racing title in a transparent manner.

"Everything is very open, very transparent. It will definitely be submitted at a later time, reported, all processes so far, activities and accountability," said Riza at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, June 7.

In the planning, Formula E will be held again in 2023 and 2024. This is an agreement between the organizers and Formula E Operation (FEO).

Therefore, Riza said that his party will continue to evaluate yesterday's race to improve the quality of the implementation in the following year.

"Now that the Formula E activities have been completed. The delegates have returned, all the properties have been completed. Of course we will evaluate it later and we just have to prepare for the future so that in the future it will be even better," he said.

On that occasion, the former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives viewed that the Formula E event was running successfully. Thus, if there are other parties who view Formula E as far from being successful, as stated by PSI Party General Chair Giring Ganesha.

"From the plan to the realization of achieving the goal, it means that it is successful. If someone has a different opinion, go ahead," he said.

Riza explained the indicators of the successful implementation of Formula E that he caught. The chairman of the DPD Gerindra DKI said, from all processes, the readiness of racing participants, to the presence of state officials when Formula E was held, were included in the goals that had been achieved.

Then, Riza stated that the DKI Provincial Government, BUMD organizers, and the Formula E executive committee also received appreciation from many parties. Equally important, he continued, was that Formula E had succeeded in bringing a message to the public on the importance of using electric vehicles as a substitute for oil-fueled vehicles.

"Formula E is not just an activity but has an important mission, namely clean air, healthy air, blue skies. There is technological transformation there, that's the most important thing. Not only jargon and planning or discourse, but it must be realized, it must be realized," explained Riza.