Enlarging Market Share, Bunda Hospital Manager Strengthens Partnership With Insurance

JAKARTA - The manager of Bunda Hospital, PT Bundamedik Tbk (BMHS) strengthens strategic partnerships with insurance actors as one of the priorities in the company's growth strategy during 2022. Strengthening the partnership network of insurance partners is in fact able to encourage Bundamedik to reach a wider market share to improve business performance .

Evidently, Bundamedik's collaboration with 70 insurance partners contributed about 30 percent to BMHS' revenue.

Now, a number of steps have been prepared by BMHS to deepen collaboration with insurance partners. Especially in providing the best in class patient journey (patient experience) for the people of Indonesia, including a bridging system to smooth the service process for insurance participants to priority services for some VIP insurance participants.

"It is hoped that a strong integration between the company's health ecosystem and insurance services can provide the best service innovations that are in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia," said President Commissioner Bundamedik Dr. Ivan Sini in his statement, Monday 6 June.

In one of the discussions attended by various insurance company partners to management from the Bundamedik business unit, Ivan said, the company offers a complete and comprehensive health service. Through good cooperation between Bundamedik and various insurance parties, it is hoped that this can further facilitate the course of a good patient journey.

"In terms of administration, payment mechanisms, to the various benefits offered by Bundamedik, this will certainly be a special attraction for insurance patients," Ivan added.

A number of services continue to be presented to provide a better patient experience for insurance patients in the BMHS ecosystem, such as free treatment room upgrades, discounted health care rates, ambulance pick-up facilities, and free PCR examinations.