From Bekasi, #KopiSusu Volunteers Appear To Support Susi Pudjiastuti Nyapres

BEKASI - Susi Pudjiastuti has re-entered the political stage. During the Halal Bihalal event on Sunday, June 8, while in Pangandaran, the former KIP Minister said he was ready to run in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

"Yes, I'm ready. Even though I realize what a Susi means. But if we are together to build a better Indonesia, why not," he said at the time.

To realize this intention, now a number of volunteers have begun to declare support for Susi. One of them is through #KopiSusu Volunteers. #KopiSusi Declaration which was held on Saturday, June 4th at Padepokan Surrawisesa "Ki Sura", KP. Paparean Pasir, Tanjung Pasir Village, Central Cikarang. This declaration was made by Jayadi Lin as the #KopiSusi Coordinator of Bekasi Regency. The declaration event was also filled with art performances starting at 08.00 WIB.

#KopiSusi volunteers are people who are looking for alternative leaders who have high achievement and integrity. The choice fell to Susi Pudjiastuti because currently she is the only former minister who has ever made the Indonesian people proud. In his hands #KopiSusu volunteers can hope for a better Indonesia.

In addition, #KopiSusi Volunteers choose a person who can truly be accepted by the people because it has been proven that their side is with the little people. Susi Pudjiastuti qualifies as a person who truly loves the little people, not exploiting the people but having an affair with the oligarchs.

It is proven that during her tenure as minister, Susi Pudjiastuti was proven clean and dared to fight against oligarchs, which is currently a big problem for Indonesia.

#KopiSusi will be a unifying alternative from the boredom of polarization caused by fighting among the nation's children. They promised to embrace all parties. There should be no more tadpole and campret stamps.

Although there is no supporting party yet, enthusiastic #KopiSusi volunteers have started to emerge. Almost all regions in Indonesia have started to form #KopiSusi. After the first declaration was made by #KopiSusi volunteers, Bekasi Regency, and will be followed by other regions.