Former Buru Regent Named As Suspect For Defamation

AMBON - The former Buru Regent for two terms, Ramli Umasugi, has been named a suspect in a defamation case against a member of the Buru DPRD, Fadly Tukuboya.

"It's true, the former Buru Regent on behalf of Ramli Umasugi has been named a suspect in the case of defamation," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes M. Roem Ohoirat in Ambon, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 2.

However, said Roem, when investigators called for a statement today, Ramli Umasugi was outside carrying out other duties in Jakarta until June 4, 2022.

"The person concerned was summoned by the general criminal (Krimimum) for his statement to be taken as a suspect today, but because he is currently carrying out his duties outside the city, whose activities will be completed on Saturday," he said.

He said Ramli Umasugi contacted investigators to ask to reschedule.

"So it's not that he wasn't present, but because he had other schedules that he had previously prepared. Maybe next week we will see the progress again, to summon the suspect," said Roem.

He added, for the next schedule, the suspect's examination has yet to be confirmed

"Investigators will determine that later," he said.

The report was the aftermath of swear words allegedly hurled at Tukuboya, Saturday (28/12), at Namniwel Airport, Buru Regency.

Not accepting the curse, Tukuboya also reported it to the Buru Police in early January.

This case was slow at the Buru Police, so the Maluku Regional Police expert took it at the end of 2021.

On Wednesday (25/5), the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the Maluku Police named former Buru Regent Ramli Umasugi as a suspect.