Had Become A Polemic, Social Media Troops Formed By MUI DKI Officially Established, Named Mujahid Cyber

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) officially launched the formation of the Cyber Mujahid team. Chairman of the DKI Jakarta MUI Munahar Muchtar claimed, this Cyber Mujahid had been awaited by a number of parties.

Munahar said the decision to name Mujahid Cyber was based on input from a number of national figures. He said, Mujahid Cyber will be the front line to fight hoax attacks from buzzers on current issues in Jakarta.

"DKI DKI MUI is ready to be at the forefront to fight hoaxes and buzzers," said Munahar in his statement, Tuesday, May 31.

Munahar admitted that the plan to form Mujahid Cyber was controversial. A number of parties suspect the formation of this cyber team has something to do with the political situation. However, this did not prevent the DKI MUI from launching the team.

"Let them sneer until their lips are down, we'll just keep going," said Munahar.

Meanwhile, Head of the Jakarta MUI Information and Communication Division, Faiz Rafdi, explained that it was Mujahid Cyber who will be tasked with spreading the teachings of Islam and rectifying information that they think is wrong regarding the government and other current issues.

"This Cyber Mujahid functions as khadimul ummah or servant of the ummah and Shadiqul Hukumah or government partners in information and communication," said Faiz.

Meanwhile, the structure of Cyber Mujahid will consist of an Advisory Board, a Board of Trustees and a Management Board, consisting of a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and a number of Divisions.

Previously, at the end of 2021, the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) through the Information and Communications Sector (Infokom) held a Coordination Meeting for the Information and Communications Sector throughout DKI Jakarta.

One of the decisions of the coordination meeting was to conduct a massive defense of the Governor of DKI Anies Baswedan when he was attacked by a hoax by a buzzer.

At that time, the General Chair of the DKI Jakarta MUI KH Munahar Muchtar Munahar also hoped that Infokom and the DKI MUI extended family would be able to defend and help the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Rasyid Baswedan who has worked hard for the people of the capital.

If the buzzers find fault with Anies, Infokom is asked to immediately play the narrative of Anies' success, both nationally and internationally.

"He is one of the 21 heroes of the world. In the news, I asked the DKI MUI to appoint it because we are partners with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Munahar.

After receiving a lot of criticism, Munahar emphasized that the cyber team he formed would not only help Anies. Other Jakarta clerics deemed to be performing well and then being attacked by buzzers will also be defended.

"Is it only for Mr. Anies? No. If there is a Jakarta figure, he acts for the citizens of Jakarta, then the benefit is good for the citizens of Jakarta, MUI is ready to support and support and cooperate," said Munahar.