The Reason Why Jojoba Oil Is The Best Moisturizer For Skin

JAKARTA - When it comes to skin care, there are always new ingredients and trends that are currently in demand, such as jojoba oil. In simple terms, this type of jojoba oil is harvested and extracted from the jojoba plant.

This plant usually grows naturally in desert areas such as the West Coast of America and Mexico. Here are five reasons why jojoba oil is a crowd favourite.


Jojoba oil is an excellent humectant. This oil works by drawing water to the top layer of the skin, helping to keep the skin hydrated. So it can help prevent bacterial infections, acne, and the formation of blackheads.

Contains antibacterial

Jojoba oil contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Laboratory tests found that jojoba oil kills certain bacteria and fungi that can cause salmonella, E. coli infections, and candida.

Rich in antioxidants

Jojoba oil contains natural vitamin E. This vitamin works as an antioxidant in your skin. This means that jojoba oil can help your skin fight off oxidative stress caused by daily exposure to pollution and other toxins.

Non-comedogenic ingredients

Although jojoba oil is a botanical substance, its consistency is so similar to the sebum that the body naturally produces that the skin cannot tell the difference. Thus, it is less likely that oil accumulates on the skin and clogs the pores causing acne.


Unlike other plant-based essential oils, jojoba oil is usually non-irritating. Allergic reactions are rare when using jojoba oil.

Help speed up wound healing

Jojoba oil is an excellent ingredient in stimulating wound healing. Previous research has shown that jojoba oil encourages skin cells to stick together after being separated by a scratch or cut.

Because of this ability, jojoba oil is also believed to treat acne. These wound healing properties can be attributed to the natural concentration of vitamin E contained in jojoba oil.