ICW's Questions Are Finally Answered, The Reasons Behind Raden Brotoseno's Return To The Police

JAKARTA - The riddle of former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigator Raden Brotoseno who returned to the National Police has finally been revealed. Raden Brotoseno is still accepted as a member of the Bhayangkara Corps despite his status as a recidivist in a corruption case.

The emergence of this puzzle originated from the information obtained by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). It was stated that Brotoseno had returned to serve as an intermediate investigator at the Directorate of Cybercrime, Criminal Investigation Unit.

Then, ICW also wrote to the Police through the HR Assistant of the Police to confirm the truth of the information. The correspondence process has been carried out since January 2022.

ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana assessed that Raden Brotoseno was considered untenable to remain in the police service. The reason is that he was involved in the corruption case of rice field printing in Ketapang, West Kalimantan.

In fact, based on the decision of the Corruption Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court in decision number 26 of 2017, Raden Brotoseno was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison.

"Until now, the police have not responded to the letter from ICW," said Kurnia in her statement, Monday, May 30.

According to him, Brotoseno should have been dismissed as a member of the National Police. The reference is to Article 12 paragraph (1) letter a of Government Regulation number 1 of 2003 concerning the Dismissal of Members of the National Police.

Then, there was a statement by the former National Police Chief, Tito Karnavian, that he would expel Brotoseno from the Police if he was sentenced to more than 2 years in prison.

"ICW urges the Police to explain clearly to the public regarding Brotoseno's status in the police," said Kurnia.

Police Answer

Shortly after the information emerged, the Police finally gave an answer. Raden Brotoseno is back on duty in the Bhayangkara Corps.

The Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, said that based on the results of the trial of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP), Brotoseno was not sanctioned with dishonorable dismissal (PTDH). Instead, demotion sanctions.

Demotion is a mutation that is punishable in the form of release of position and echelon reduction as well as transfer to a different position, function, or region.

"It is recommended to be transferred to a different position that is demotional," said Sambo.

The sanctions are also stated in Number: PUT/72/X/2020, dated October 13, 2020.

Then, in that decision, Brotoseno was also given other sanctions such as apologizing to the police leadership, either directly or in writing.

"The violator's obligation is to apologize verbally before the KKEP trial and or in writing to the police leadership," said Sambo.

The Reason Behind Demotion

The imposition of sanctions in the form of demotion to Brotoseno with several considerations. One of them is because there is a defense that states that Borotoseno should be retained as a member of the National Police because he is considered to have excelled.

"There is a statement from the superior of Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police R. Brotoseno that he can be maintained as a member of the National Police with various considerations of achievement and behavior during his service in the police," said Sambo.

In addition, other considerations were not carried out because Haris Artur Haidir as the briber in the corruption case of rice fields printing in Ketapang, West Kalimantan, was declared acquitted.

The acquittal decision was based on the results of the trial at the cassation level with decision number 1643-K/pidsus/2018, dated November 14, 2018.

Then, Brotoseno has also served his sentence. Moreover, he behaved well so that he received remission or a reduction in his prison term.

"The alleged violator has served a sentence of 3 years and 3 months from the 5-year Corruption Court verdict for having good behavior while serving his sentence in prison," he said.

The last reason, in the KKEP trial process, Brotoseno did not file an appeal. That is, he accepted all the sanctions imposed.

"Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police R. Brotoseno accepted the decision of the KKEP trial and did not file an appeal," said Sambo.

For information, Brotoseno was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison and a fine of IDR 300 million for the corruption case of rice field printing in Ketapang, West Kalimantan.

With this decision, Raden Brotoseno has been in detention since 2017. Until finally, he was released on parole since February 2020, and was released purely at the end of September 2020. He was released early because he received a parole program. Raden Brotoseno received a remission of 13 months 25 days.