Khofifah Takziah To Syafii Maarif's Family Residence, Requests Permission For Buya's Book Collection To Be Given To Islamic Boarding School In East Java

SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa paid a tribute to the family residence of Syafii Maarif who died, on Friday (27/5), in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta.

"On behalf of the community and the East Java Provincial Government, I share my condolences for the death of Buya Syafii Maarif. Hopefully he will be accepted by Allah SWT," Khofifah said during a pilgrimage to Antara, Saturday, May 28.

Khofifah feels she has lost an intellectual figure and a charismatic scholar who is full of politeness and modesty with extraordinary depth of knowledge.

According to him, at this time it is not necessarily easy to find a figure like Buya Syafii who always invites the nation's citizens to maintain unity in diversity, take care of each other and respect each other in order to build physical and spiritual integration.

He hopes that Buya Syafii's extraordinary thoughts and dedication for the religion of the community, nation and state can be imitated.

"The right analogy to describe the figure of Buya Syafii in the midst of extraordinary political tension is like a fish in the sea. The sea water is salty, but fish that live still fresh do not become salty," continued Khofifah.

"I also feel that he can become an umbrella for many political forces, social forces, religious forces with a great commitment to maintaining diversity in unity and integrity," added the General Chairperson of PP Muslimat NU.

The former Minister of Social Affairs also said that the deceased was very suitable to be called the Father of the Nation because of Buya Syafii Maarif's strong desire to firmly maintain peace and unity.

"In addition, because he is the main figure in Muhammadiyah. The late always wanted Muhammadiyah to be in a cool and united atmosphere. He also wanted all Muslims to be in an atmosphere of peace and unity," he said.

Meanwhile, the arrival of Governor Khofifah was received by the wife of the late Buya Syafii, Umi Nur Kholifah and a number of her family members.

At the end of his visit, Khofifah said the deceased had a collection of books in his private library.

The plan, he said, was that the family would donate it to Mualimin Schools around Yogyakarta.

In particular, Khofifah asked the family that some of the book collections be given to Islamic boarding schools in Karangasem, Paciran, Lamongan.

"So that the spirit of the spirit to seek knowledge and then expand horizons and dedicate the best for the benefit of the people, nation and country is sown. So I think because his book references are extraordinary, the knowledge can reach the students there," he said.