Today The Chief Justice Of The Constitutional Court And Idayati, Jokowi's Sister, Have A Rehearsal For The Wedding

SOLO - The happy day of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman with Idayati, the younger brother of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), just counting the hours.

Busyness began to be felt before the wedding at the location of their second celebration at Gedung Graha Saba Buana Solo. Anwar and Idayati plan to hold a rehearsal for the wedding.

One of the family's relatives, Haryanto, said that the rehearsal and jonggolan will be carried out by the bride and groom today. However, Iriana Jokowi's older sister has not been able to confirm what time it will take place.

"I don't know what time it is, actually today, I don't know where it is," he said in Solo, Central Java, Wednesday, May 24.

Haryanto said that preparations for Anwar Usman and Idayati's wedding were close to 100 percent. He ensured that the preparation for the celebration of President Jokowi's family was completed by nightfall.

"This afternoon everything will be finished," he said.

Previously, as reported by Antara, the Head of the Banjarsari Solo Religious Affairs Office (KUA), Arba'in Basyar, said that Jokowi's plan was to marry off his sister himself. He said the plan was the direct will of the President.

"God willing, it was the one who guided me but the one who married Mr. Jokowi himself," he said.

From the latest information, acting as a witness to the wedding, namely Vice President Ma'ruf Amin as a witness on the female side and the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa as a witness on the male side.