North Sumatra Police Detain 17 People Who Clashed Over HGU In Karo

MEDAN - The North Sumatra Police and the Tanah Karo Police have arrested 17 people involved in clashes over an 8.85-hectare land use rights (HGU) case in Suka Maju Village, Puncak Siosar, Karo Regency.

"The North Sumatran Police, Karo Regional Police, Karo Regency Government, along with other stakeholders have participated in investigating the case of land ownership that was mutually contested between PT Bibit Unggulan Karobiotic (BUK) and residents of Suka Maju Village, Siosar," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the North Sumatra Police Kombes Tatan Dirsan Atmaja in a statement. written quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 24.

Tatan said that the land object is currently still in the status quo due to mutual claims and civil lawsuits from the two warring parties.

Meanwhile, Karo Police Chief AKBP Ronny Nicolas Sidabutar explained that the clash between PT BUK supporters and the people of Sukamaju Village, Siosar, occurred on Tuesday (17/5).

The cause of the clash was triggered by a land dispute in Puncak Siosar between PT BUK and the local community.

At that time PT BUK unloaded heavy equipment at the disputed land location, but was intercepted by residents, triggering a clash between the two parties which resulted in injuries to PT BUK and a local resident.

"The clashes were triggered by the issue of the HGU land issued to PT BUK covering an area of 8.95 hectares. Outside the HGU area, according to PT BUK, the land belongs to them, while the community claims it is ulayat land and has forest status," he said.

The police chief said that of the 17 people involved in the clashes, 16 from PT BUK and one local resident were arrested.

"The clashes caused a shop and 12 bicycles to be damaged," said Karo Police Chief.