3.5 Hectare Of Land In Singkawang Burns

PONTIANAK - The head of Manggala Agni Kalimantan IX/Singkawang, Yuyu Wahyudin, said the hot weather in Singkawang City caused a 3.5 hectare land in Sedau Village, South Singkawang District, to catch fire.

"Land fires in Sedau Sub-district have occurred since Monday, May 23 until now. In fact, today (Tuesday, ed) there was also a land fire in Bukit Batu Village, Central Singkawang District", said Yuyu Wahyudin, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, 24 May.

According to him, the burned land belongs to the community, the cause of the fire is still unknown.

"The area that has been burned is around 3.5 hectares, but the land that has been successfully extinguished is only 0.3 hectares. So on Tuesday, the fire will continue to be extinguished", he said.

In extinguishing the fire, Manggala Agni was assisted by members of the South Singkawang Police.

"The team extinguished it using a Max3 pump engine with a pattern of two, because the land fires burned were wide and the available water sources were very minimal", he said.

At this time, he said, the condition of the burned land was still in several large hotspots.

"So after doing the extinguishing, the team must check the condition of the members and the extinguishing infrastructure in full, then the team will report the results of the extinguishing activities to the Manggala Agni Kalimantan IX/Singkawang Office. The team will then carry out further blackouts tomorrow at the next fire point", said Yuyu.