Ministry Of PPPA Hopes Cianjur Governor Regulation Will Protect Women And Children From Contract Marriage

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection hopes that Cianjur Governor Regulation Number 38/2021 regarding the Prevention of Contract Marriage can provide protection for women and children in the area from the criminal act of human trafficking (TPPO) with the mode of contract marriage.

"So many women and children are still becoming victims of contract marriage mode. Strengthening regulations through the issuance of Governor Regulation Number 38 of 2021 can be one of the pillars in ensuring that efforts to handle contract marriage cases can be minimized, especially in Cianjur Regency," said Deputy for Women's Rights Protection at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Ratna Susianawati through a press release in Jakarta, Monday, May 23.

According to her, contract marriages have various negative impacts on victims. In the case of contract marriages, victims often experience not only domestic violence, but also other violence.

In addition, if a contract marriage is carried out giving birth to a child, it will often lead to problems, such as the child's growth and development process, status, and fulfillment of the child's civil rights negative stigma.

"Therefore, we all need to ensure and minimize so that contract marriages do not occur in the community," Ratna was quoted as saying.

Her party continues to encourage the public, especially women and children, to dare to report cases of violence that they have seen or experienced.

"This is an iceberg phenomenon, meaning that it can happen anytime, anywhere, and can happen to anyone. In fact, people often don't realize that they are getting threats and lures that make them victims of the criminal act of human trafficking (TPPO) through contract marriage mode," said Ratna.