Supporting The Government's Program To Achieve Net Zero Emission, PT SMI Uses Electric Cars
JAKARTA - PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) is making efforts to reduce global warming (carbon footprint) in Indonesia through its operational activities, one of which is by switching to electric-based vehicles (KBL) from oil-fueled vehicles (BBM) currently in use.
This transfer is carried out in stages through the purchase of two units of Hyundai Ioniq vehicles from PT Hyundai Mobil Indonesia as an initial stage transfer.
Director of Operations and Finance of PT SMI Darwin Trisna Djajawinata said this step is also a form of PT SMI's support for the national automotive industry which is currently developing.
"PT SMI fully supports the efforts made by the government in realizing the achievement of NZE in Indonesia, one of which is by making a gradual transition from the company's operational vehicles to electric-based vehicles, namely from PT Hyundai Mobil Indonesia, where the idea for this initiative came from SMIers (Employees of PT SMI)," he told the media, Friday, May 20.
Present in person at the symbolization event, the Head of the Sub-Directorate of State Assets Separated I, the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Nofiansyah, who represented the Ministry of Finance as a shareholder, expressed his appreciation and support for the initiative launched by PT SMI.
“We are proud and very supportive of PT SMI towards NZE through its efforts. We are also always grateful because PT SMI always initiates good ideas, which of course will be very useful for the sustainability of our generation in the future," he said.
Present on the same occasion, Director of Sales & Marketing of PT Hyundai Mobil Indonesia Hendrik Wiradjaja appreciated PT SMI's initiative to commit and support the program to shift its operational vehicles from oil-fueled (BBM) to electricity-based.
"We at PT Hyundai will also be committed to and support PT SMI's plan for this NZE goal to the fullest," he said.
For information, this initiative is not the first from PT SMI, but many initiatives have been launched and new things have been conveyed.
"The commitment from PT SMI regarding smart living, eco living, environmental, sustainability, including waste management (zero waste) which was initiated by PT SMI to us has also become an example for other owners of the Sahid Sudirman Center Building. Hopefully the initiation of the transfer of PT SMI's operational vehicles SMI being an electric-based vehicle can also be transmitted to other building owners," said Darwin.
Not only limited to operational activities, he continued, PT SMI has also developed many other initiatives such as making efficiency efforts in its consumption including water, energy, and waste management, efforts and commitments to support the achievement of sustainable development and clean energy transition are also carried out by PT SMI. in business implementation.