Complete Acquisition Of Bank Mayora Owned By Conglomerate Jogi Hendra Atmadja And Form Venture Capital Are BNI's Reasons For Accelerating Digital Transformation
JAKARTA – PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI has just completed two corporate actions at the same time. The bank with the stock code BBNI has completed its acquisition of Bank Mayora belonging to conglomerate Jogi Hendra Atmadja and established BNI Venture Capital as its newest subsidiary.
BNI Corporate Secretary Mucharom said the two entities were targeted to be able to work on digital business potential and deepen the business base in a wider supply chain.
According to Arom, Mucharom's nickname, market niches in the MSME and retail segments will be explored, especially in the development of Bank Mayora. Moreover, this segment has enormous potential and can be closely integrated with BNI's existing business.
"BNI has completed the establishment and equity participation in BNI Venture Capital. The establishment action has been included in the Bank's Business Plan (RBB) 2022. The Financial Services Authority has also given approval to BNI to make a capital investment of IDR 500 billion," he said in an official statement, Friday, May 20.
Arom added that BNI venture capital will be a strategic vehicle for the business group in developing financial technology innovation.
"Everything is done with the hope of accelerating digital transformation in all BNI business lines to add value creation while accelerating the process of optimizing economic potential in Indonesia," he said.
Meanwhile, Bank Mayora revealed that Arom will be prepared to answer various potential business developments for the SME segment.
"For the initial stage, the focus will be directed to SME players who have entered the BNI and Mayora Group value chain at this time," he said.
For information, the segment is considered to have the potential to develop cross-selling product business for the consumer segment, especially for SME retail customers and the personal needs of SME owners themselves.
"This segment is very large and has potential, and we continue to integrate with the Mayora Group as one of the largest consumer goods companies in Indonesia and has an extensive network to create a unique and competitive business segment," he explained.
Arom also said that in the future his party will rebrand with Bank Mayora with a new image based on digital banking.
"We will encourage lending with lower interest rates than the current MSME interest rate," he continued.
Recently, BBNI is known to have conducted an intensive assessment with the information technology service provider, namely Sea Limited.
"Now our tech partners are involved in the preparation of business models and information technology models. A business development team has been formed with formations in Indonesia and abroad," concluded Arom.