DPR's Warning To The Ministry Of Agriculture Because Of Foot And Mouth Disease Outbreak

JAKARTA - The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has warned the Ministry of Agriculture to immediately anticipate the outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in livestock that is again endemic in Indonesia. The reason is, soon there will be an Eid al-Adha celebration which is feared to have an impact on the distribution of sacrificial animals.

Commission IV of the DPR asked the Ministry of Agriculture to trace the source of the virus. Including prevention and handling efforts for FMD outbreaks that have already spread in several parts of Indonesia.

"The Ministry of Agriculture must quickly trace the source of the virus and mitigate its spread. Moreover, the distribution of livestock between islands during Eid al-Kurban is very large," said a member of Commission IV of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Suhardi Duka, to reporters, Thursday, May 19.

Suhardi also pointed out sharply at the Ministry of Agriculture because there is already a quarantine at every entrance to the Republic of Indonesia. However, until now, the Ministry of Agriculture has not yet explained where the source of the FMD that is spreading in Indonesia is. "Who is careless needs to be investigated. We must have quarantined every entry point for both live cattle and meat. How come we don't know the source?" he said. On the other hand, Suhardi wonder FMD Farm animals are starting to reappear after 32 years. In fact, he said, Indonesia had been declared free of FMD by the OIE or the World Animal Health Organization since 1990.

"On the OIE website, Indonesia is still referred to as a country free of foot and mouth disease," he said.

Therefore, according to Suhardi, this incident must be a serious concern and requires real and long work to be declared free from FMD. He again questioned why the FMD case could appear again in 2022.

"In fact, FMD has been declared free since 1990 and this is a long time of hard work that can only be declared free," he said.

"Earlier this year 2022 again attacked Indonesia and was asked where the Ministry of Agriculture came from? What country did you come from? Did you enter with live cattle or meat? Until now, there has been no definite answer," continued Suhardi.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) stated that it had allocated a budget of IDR 48 billion for the prevention and control of Mouth and Foot Diseases (FMD). Especially for the procurement of vaccines that can strengthen the resistance of livestock to FMD outbreaks.

"Financing for the control and prevention of FMD, apart from the APBN, there is also a synergy with the APBD and other financing sources," said the Ministry of Agriculture's Director General of Livestock and Animal Health, Nasrullah, Thursday, 19 May.

In addition to procuring vaccines, Nasrullah said the Ministry of Agriculture also distributed medicines in the form of vitamins, antibiotics, antipyretics, disinfectants, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to a number of areas. This is an effort to control the spread of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in livestock.

"Starting from May 7-12, we have carried out stage one logistics deliveries to several provinces," said Nasrullah.

Nasrullah revealed that the Ministry of Agriculture had again carried out the second stage of logistics deliveries to areas suspected of being infected with FMD, including East Java and Aceh on Monday, May 16. The total amount of medicines that the Ministry of Agriculture has sent is IDR 534.29 million.

"Once there is an outbreak of FMD, we together with the Regional Government continue to coordinate, so that we know what needs are needed to be able to control the spread of the FMD outbreak," said Nasrullah.

Nasrullah added, controlling the spread of FMD is an absolute must so that it can be handled immediately. According to him, currently, infected animals have been given medication, vitamin injections, antibiotics, and immune strengthening.

Nasrullah said, the latest condition of the livestock that had been given medicine and vitamins was said to have started to improve. Officers also sprayed disinfectant in the drums and maintenance areas.

"Alhamdulillah, giving in the form of vitamins, antibiotics, antipyretics, disinfectants and PPE for officers has much better results, such as animals that runny start fresh and those that previously couldn't stand up have now returned to normal," said Nasrullah.