Attorney General Ensures Completion Of CPO Export Corruption Cases

JAKARTA - Sanitiar Burhanuddin ensured that his staff would resolve cases of alleged corruption in providing export facilities for crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives to court, and impose a fair sentence.

This was conveyed by Burhanuddin in response to the results of a national survey on May 5-10 2022, with 68.7 percent of respondents believing that the Attorney General's Office would resolve the corruption case by granting the CPO export facility.

"The survey results will certainly be used as motivation to perform better as the community expects," said Burhanuddin in a written statement quoted by Antara, Monday, May 16.

Burhanuddin expressed his gratitude for the public's trust in the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office and of course, he will not waste that trust.

According to him, the handling of corruption cases in the provision of CPO export facilities and its derivatives from January 2021 to March 2022 is still ongoing and according to the stage of handling criminal cases as regulated in the criminal procedure law.

"Currently, the investigation team has extended the detention of the suspect for the next 40 days. In addition, investigators are also continuing to strengthen evidence and efforts to find the assets of the suspects to recover the state financial losses and or the state economy that occurred," he said.

Burhanuddin also said that investigators consistently coordinate with relevant agencies and examine experts, with the hope that the settlement of corruption cases will run smoothly without significant obstacles.

The Attorney General has also ordered the ranks to be serious in handling cases related to the needs of the general public, such as the case of the fertilizer mafia, the land mafia, and cooking oil.

According to him, the handling of cases related to the lives of many people has a significant impact on public trust in the Prosecutor's Office.

Previously, the Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi revealed that 68.7 percent of respondents from the national survey of 5-10 May 2022 believe the Attorney General's Office will resolve corruption cases in granting CPO export facilities.

Meanwhile, 59.1 percent of the public are quite confident that the Attorney General's Office is able to resolve the case in question, and 52.9 percent of the public quite believe that the judge in court will give a fair sentence in the case.

As many as 83.7 percent of respondents strongly support and quite support the steps of the Attorney General's Office in resolving corruption cases in providing cooking oil export facilities.

These results indicate the high level of community support for law enforcement measures taken by the government.

As many as 89.5 percent of respondents support President Joko Widodo's policy to temporarily ban the export of cooking oil.

However, this national survey in May also showed that 72.8 percent of residents still feel that the current price of cooking oil is unaffordable or not affordable at all.

The survey also found that only 5 percent of residents bought bulk cooking oil according to the highest retail price (HET) set by the government.

This national survey targets the population of Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over or already married and owns a mobile phone. The sample selection was done through the random digit dialing (RDD) method.

This technique is a technique of selecting samples through the process of randomly generating telephone numbers. Through this technique, as many as 1,228 respondents were selected through a process of random phone number generation, validation, and screening.

The survey's margin or error is estimated at 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level, assuming simple random sampling.