Government Optimizing G20 Presidency To Get Investors In Manufacturing Industry

JAKARTA – The government through the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) stated that the momentum of the Indonesian Presidency at the G20 should be utilized to encourage the strengthening of the industrial sector.

The Head of the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry, Doddy Rahadi, said that the G20 has political and economic power as well as the capacity to promote domestic recovery.

"Indonesia's presidency at the G20 focuses on three priority sectors that are considered to be the keys to a strong and sustainable recovery, namely the global health architecture, sustainable energy transition, and digital and economic transformation," he said in an official statement quoted on Sunday, May 15.

According to Doddy, the G20 had the opportunity to present 700 participants from the government, academia, practitioners, industry, and industrial associations from various countries.

"Indonesia has a great opportunity to win the trust of global investors, which are expected to create jobs so that it will have an impact on strengthening the national economy," he said.

For information, throughout 2021 the non-oil and gas processing industry sector will contribute 17.36 percent to the national GDP with contributions from the food and beverage industry, chemical, pharmaceutical and traditional medicine industries, as well as the metal goods industry.

For this reason, he continued, seeing the importance of the industrial sector to national and global economic growth, this year's G20 Presidency included discussions on industrial issues specifically in the Trade, Investment, and Industry Working Group (TIIWG).

"This aims to increase the role of industry to encourage sustainable economic growth in order to overcome world supply chain disruptions, and of course it will have an impact on opening new jobs, as well as increasing economic added value," concluded Doddy.