The Number Of Candidates For Hajj Belitung Departing To The Holy Land Is 109 People

BELITUNG - The Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) revealed that the quota of prospective pilgrims from Belitung Regency who departed for the Holy Land in 2022 was 109 people.

"The total quota of prospective pilgrims from Belitung who will depart this year is 109 people," said Head of the Hajj and Umrah Organizing Section of the Belitung Ministry of Religion, Suyanto in Tanjung Pandan, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 12.

According to him, this number is prospective pilgrims from that area whose departure was delayed for the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"However, there is one prospective pilgrim who has transferred to West Java Province so that 108 people will depart later," he said.

He said that the number of prospective pilgrims whose departures had been delayed for the past two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic reached 169 people.

However, he continued, based on the Saudi Arabian government's decision that the prospective hajj pilgrims who departed did not exceed 65 years of age, the quota would be 109 people.

"Meanwhile, the other 60 pilgrims will be prioritized to depart in 2023 if the age restriction policy is changed by the Saudi Arabian government," he said.

Suyanto added that for prospective pilgrims whose names have been determined to be included in the quota for this year's hajj departure, they can immediately confirm the settlement or payment of the hajj fees until May 20, 2022.

"After that, we will perform Hajj rituals in preparation for departure to perform the pilgrimage in the Holy Land," he said.

He appealed to prospective pilgrims to always maintain their health until the time of departure arrives.

"We make sure that all prospective pilgrims have also taken the COVID-19 vaccination," he said.