Before The Motorbike Was Stolen, Two Members Of The TNI Kodam Jaya Were Asked For Cigarettes By The Perpetrators

JAKARTA - The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro, Kombes Endra Zulpan, explained the modus operandi used by the perpetrators of the robbery of members of the TNI AD Yonarhanud 10/ABC Kodam Jaya when they took action on Jalan Bumi, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Saturday, May 7. Zulpan said, the perpetrators initially pretended to ask for cigarettes by the victim.

"They (the perpetrators) approached the victim with the mode of asking for cigarettes," Zulpan told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, May 10.

Suddenly, someone threw a paving block at the victim. And luckily the stone didn't hit the victim. Realizing that he was threatened, two soldiers immediately fought back until the perpetrators fled.

"One perpetrator threw a stone block, but it didn't hit the victim. The victim immediately fought back so that one perpetrator was arrested. Others managed to escape," he said.

Zulpan also explained that before carrying out the action, the perpetrators first gathered to hold a liquor party (alcohol) in the Bulungan area, South Jakarta.

"After they had a liquor party, they went around on a motorbike, then saw the victim who was using a red Mio motorbike," he said.

After going through the investigation process, finally nine perpetrators were arrested. They have the initials MRH (20), MRM (19), RM (24), NB (16), FR (17), TP(21), MAH (15), AM (19) and R (19).

For his actions, the 9 perpetrators were charged with Article 53 of the Criminal Code jo 365 regarding theft with violence with a threat of 9 years in prison.