A Day After The One Way Scheme Was Revoked, Traffic Flow From Kalikangkung To Cikampek Toll Road Was Busy
JAKARTA - The condition of traffic flow from the Kalikangkung toll road section to Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) is monitored smoothly. However, the implementation of the one way and contraflow traffic engineering scheme has been officially revoked since Monday, May 9.
"The use of normal traffic lanes according to the lanes in the direction of Jakarta and Java are busy smoothly," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Tuesday, May 10.
Based on the results of monitoring as of 07.00 WIB, the condition of the Kalikangkung KM 414 Toll Road which leads to Java and Jakarta is in a smoothly sloping condition. The speed of the vehicle is quite high.
The condition of the Palimanan KM 188 Toll Road is not much different. Traffic there was observed to be busy.
Likewise, the KM 70 to KM 66 Cikampek Toll Road section is monitored smoothly, both from Java to Jakarta or vice versa.
Then, for the flow of traffic on the Cikampek Toll Road KM 48 to KM 28 which uses the lower lane, it is also in a busy condition.
"The estimated travel time from the Kalikangkung-Palimanan-Cikampek toll road is 5 hours 15 minutes," said Dedi.