Tissa Biani Ever Met Nur Asli In The KKN Story In Dancing Village, Who?

JAKARTA - The KKN film in Penari Village still adorns local cinemas. Less than two weeks, this film has been seen by more than two million viewers.

The success of the Community Service Program in the Dancer Village also attracted a lot of attention from the audience. The reason is that many are looking for the real identity of the characters in the film as well as their original locations which are being hunted by the public.

Tissa Biani who plays Nur admitted that she had met the real Nur. He revealed this to his girlfriend, Dul Jaelani, shortly after the KKN premiere in the Dancer Village.

"Have you met Nur? Original?" Dul asked Tissa Biani on Maia ALELDUL's YouTube channel.

"Once. Asli," replied Tissa Biani.

Tissa also explained that he and the KKN actors in Penari Village were not allowed to reveal their true identities. MD Pictures and SimpleMan as writers also did not reveal who played the character of Nur et al.

"I just can't say his name," Tissa Biani explained.

KKN in Penari Village told that Nur and five of her friends underwent a Real Work Lecture (KKN) in a village. They meet the village head named Pak Prabu (Kiki Narendra) and they are asked to obey the rules in the village.

But over time, these 6 students experienced strange events. Nur realizes that one of their friends is breaking the rules in the village which threatens their safety. Currently, the KKN film in Penari Village is still showing in cinemas.