Free! 100 Units Of Portable Toilets For Homecomers Starting From Kilometer 94 Heading To Merak Harbor

JAKARTA - The Tangerang-Merak toll road operator PT Marga Mandalasakti (MMS) has provided portable toilets since kilometer 94 for travelers heading to Merak Harbor, Cilegon, Banten.

"There are around 100 units spread along the toll road up to the Merak Toll Gate and four rest areas," said PT MMS Tangerang-Merak CSR Management and Public Relations Department Head, Uswatun Hasanah, to Antara at the Merak Toll Gate, Thursday, April 28.

According to Uswatun, his party deliberately provided lots of free WCs on the Tangerang-Merak toll road because based on their assessment, those facilities were mostly used by travelers, apart from places of worship such as prayer rooms.

Not only that, for the convenience of toll users, PT MMS has also established a health post located in the rest area of kilometer 68 and the Merak Toll Gate.

Homecomers, also many who check themselves to the health post, especially those located in the rest area kilometer 68.

"Their complaints are usually nausea and fatigue. However, at the Merak Toll Gate health post, travelers usually come to check their blood pressure," he said.

The flow of vehicles on the Tangerang-Merak toll road continues to increase in line with the arrival of the Eid holiday, which begins Friday, April 29. Within 24 hours on 27-28 April 2022, there are 15 thousand vehicles that pass through the Merak Toll Gate to the Merak Port.

This number is estimated to increase at the peak of the homecoming flow in the Merak Port area which is predicted to occur on April 29-30, 2022.

PT MMS believes there will be around 20,000 vehicles that will pass through the Merak Toll Gate to the port at the peak of the homecoming season.