After 2 Years Finally Can Go Home Again, 'In Vibes Village, Lebaran Really Feels'

JAKARTA - Homecoming this year really feels special. Even though the threat of COVID-19 still lurks, there are no longer any restrictions here and there to be able to spend moments at home.

Homecomers who use the ship mode of transportation at Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, expressed their feelings of happiness because they can return to their hometowns or go home again this year. For the past two years, the government has banned all citizens from traveling due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I feel happy and happy because I can finally go home, after not going home for a long time, now I feel again Lebaran at home," said Sari Novita, one of the travelers to Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province, when met in the waiting room at Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, Thursday. April 28, quoted from Antara.

He expressed this feeling of happiness because in 2022 or 1443 Hijri, he can finally feel again the atmosphere of Lebaran which for the past two years he has called less felt as an "overseas child".

He recounted that for the past two years, he had celebrated Lebaran in Jakarta in a quiet atmosphere, so that the Lebaran moment was usually filled with the typical Eid crowds.

"Because yesterday, Lebaran here didn't feel like Lebaran, it's different in Vibes Village, Lebaran feels really good. If you're here, you just sleep in the boarding house," he said with a smile.

Sari hopes that the return of Lebaran homecoming this year will bring the same happiness to other people.

"And also hopefully this year's homecoming will all go smoothly and go well without any serious incidents," he said.

Sari plans to use the KM Elsaddai ship owned by a private company Bangka Belitung Jaya Line with a schedule of April 29, 2022 at 03.00 WIB for Pangkal Balam.

Meanwhile, since 11.00 WIB, Tanjung Priok Port is still empty of homecomers or ordinary passengers because on April 28, 2022, there is no Pelni ship departing from Tanjung Priok.

The activities can only be seen at the 2022 Lebaran Transport Command Post, the free homecoming post and the vaccine post at Tanjung Priok Port by officers.