This Is The Tradition Of The Golkar Party That Continues To Be Maintained Every Year

JAKARTA - The Golkar Party is really taking advantage of the month of Ramadan to share. In this blessed month, all stakeholders and machines from the Golkar Party from all over the country, move to greet the community, distributing food packages or Eid gifts.

There is compensation for orphans and poor people. Food packages or Eid gifts were given by Golkar Party cadres in 514 regencies/cities. The number of food packages or Eid gifts from the Golkar Party's DPP alone has reached more than 300,000. Not to mention the addition of 85 members of the DPR RI who also provided thousands of similar assistance.

"This is a tradition of the Golkar Party that we continue to maintain every year, especially in the month of Ramadan and ahead of Eid," said Secretary General of the Golkar Party H. Lodewijk Fredrick Paulus at the Golkar Party DPP, Thursday, April 28.

Lodewijk Paulus described the public's euphoria after the government allowed going home and celebrating Eid in their respective regions. "Going home, celebrating Eid, giving Eid gifts, are traditions of the Indonesian people," he said.

The Secretary General of the Golkar Party then mentioned the existence of an economic movement from this annual tradition, a large circulation of money, cash-flow. "The wheels of the economy continue to move," he exclaimed. Lodewijk Fredrich Paulus said that this was also what made the Golkar Party continue to share, and was called upon to provide Eid gifts. "The COVID-19 pandemic has not ended, our economy is also not completely stable, Golkar is called to provide Eid gifts, so that people can share in happiness on the day of victory," he explained.

In addition to basic necessities, there is also compensation for orphans and poor people. "The 300,000 packages are for this Ramadan only, which was distributed ahead of Eid," said Fredrick Lodewijk Paulus.

The Secretary General of the Golkar Party stated that the basic food packages or Eid gifts were also given by 85 members of the DPR from the Golkar Party, who went to their respective regions of origin.

"That includes me too. Just count the economic aspects of this tradition. If one member gives 2000 gifts, try to count how many are given to the community? Just multiply it," said the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Fredrich Lodewijk Paulus also explained about his party's concern to provide free homecoming facilities to the community, as in previous years. This year, there are 20 buses for free going home.

"One bus is approximately for 40 or 50 people, so there are around 1000 travelers. They will also be given Eid gifts from Mr. Airlangga Hartarto, the general chairman. The gifts will be taken to the regions," said the former Danjen Kopassus. The homecoming event with the Golkar Party will officially be held on Friday, April 29 tomorrow.

"Happy Eid, but still obey the health protocols, always wear a mask. Be careful when going home and maintain security," the message of the Secretary General of the Golkar Party said.