Already Registered Online Still Failed To Take Free Homecoming, This Factory Worker Is Sad Can't See Family For The Second Time

JAKARTA – Heri (55), a middle-aged man, is sad because he cannot join the free homecoming program. Heri is threatened not to be able to meet his family in Central Java. And now Heri's fate is in limbo, he hopes that there will be a bus that can transport him to Central Java for free.

Heri, who works as a textile factory worker in West Jakarta, admitted that he did not know the conditions for getting the government program free homecoming facility. Apart from registering online, Heri has to verify with the Tangerang City Transportation Service Office (Dishub).

"I was confused, he said that he registered online through his cellphone. I thought I could just come here. I don't know if I can't come here," Heri when met at Poris Plawad Terminal, Tangerang City, Thursday, April 28.

Heri explained his reason for wanting this free homecoming once. Because he doesn't have much money to buy a ticket back to his hometown.

"In fact, there is no money here. It's mediocre, so I want it for free, right," he said.

Even though he didn't get a free homecoming ticket, Heri still wanted to stay at Poris Plawad Terminal. Because, Heri hopes to get a free homecoming ticket.

"Yes, if it's allowed, I want to go home. I really want to go home. It's been a year I haven't seen my family," he concluded.

The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has prepared 80 buses for travelers departing from Poris Plawad Terminal, Tangerang City, with various destinations ranging from West Java, East Java and Central Java.