Differences In Determining Eid Al-Fitr: It's Time For The Government To Choose Single Criteria

JAKARTA - The Central Leadership of Muhammadiyah through the Secretary of PP Muhammdiyah Agung Sudarto has determined Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1443 H, on Sunday 1 May 2022. The decision was based on a study conducted by the Tarjih Council and Tajdid Muhammdiyah.

PP Muhammdiyah then appealed to the implementation of Eid prayers to continue to be carried out with due observance of health protocols. Among them is to always wear a mask when doing activities such as takbiran and zakat fitrah as quoted from Antara, April 25.

Meanwhile, in a press release quoted from kemenag.go.id on April 25, the Ministry of Religion will only hold an Isbat Session (determination) 1 Shawwal 1443 H, Sunday evening May 1 at the HM Rasjidi Auditorium of the Ministry of Religion. This Isbat trial will be preceded by a process of observing the new moon which will be carried out at 99 locations throughout Indonesia.

Kamaruddin Amin, Director General of Islamic Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, stated that the reckoning of the position of the new moon in Indonesia at the early Isbat Session of Shawwal 1443 H later, had met the new criteria set by MABIMS (Ministers of Religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore).

Observations of the early hilal of Shawwal 1443 H were carried out at 99 locations in Indonesia. (Between)

"In Indonesia, on 29 Ramadan 1443 H later, it will coincide with May 1, 2022 and the height of the new moon is between 4 degrees 0.59 minutes to 5 degrees 33.57 minutes with an elongation angle between 4.89 degrees to 6.4 degrees," he added. Kamaruddin.

MABIMS is currently with new criteria, Imkanur rukyat is eligible if the position of the new moon reaches a height of 3 degrees with an elongation angle of 6.4 degrees. This criterion is an update from the previous criteria, namely 2 degrees with an elation angle of 3 degrees, which received input and criticism.

The Indonesian government held an Isbat Session using two methods, namely the reckoning method and the rukyat method. The position for the Shawwal hilal will be presented by the Hijriyah Calendar Unification Team who will then wait for rukyat from all over Indonesia.

"Rukyat is used as a confirmation of the reckoning and the criteria used. Two things, namely reckoning and confirmation of the implementation of the rukyatul hilal will be discussed in the isbat trial for further decisions made early in Shawwal 1443 H," he said.

Hisab and Rukyat

Differences in calculations or agreements in entering the new moon have occurred in 1985, 1992, 1998, 2002, and 2006.

In 1992, it was noted that there were differences in Eid al-Fitr 1412 H between the Government of Indonesia and Muhammadiyah who used the reckoning method, or calculations that determined Eid al-Fitr on Sunday 5 April 1992.

Meanwhile, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) used rukyat or direct observation and set one day earlier, namely Saturday 4 April 1992.

During the New Order era, it was forbidden to be different from the government, it could be considered as resistance to the authorities. Until the celebration of Eid is often carried out in secret.

In the journal Istinbath, Ahmad Adib Rofiudin in December 2019 wrote that differences in the determination of Eid have occurred since 1985 or 1405 H. At that time NU celebrated Eid on 19 June but Muhammadiyah and the government one day later or 20 June as quoted from falakiyah.nu.or. en.

Illustration of Eid prayer. (Between)

Including the most talked about is the celebration of Eid 2011 (1432 H). At that time Muhammadiyah set it on August 30, 2011. But the government on August 31, 2011.

The climax of the excitement was because August 30-31 was the first and second day of the government holiday. Causing the first holiday of Eid to occur on the 30th of Ramadan vs. the government calendar is no longer 1 Shawwal.

The mothers who had prepared Eid dishes were also disappointed, because the dishes were prepared for August 30th, but the government set one day later.

The government and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) have also taken several ways to determine the beginning of Ramadan and Eid so that they can be accepted by all parties. However, there are still differences in the criteria for determining the beginning of the month of Shawwal between the government and Islamic organizations.

NU and Muhammadiyah each have guidelines in determining the beginning of the Hijri calendar month. According to NU, the entire beginning of the month is determined by the sight or absence of the new moon. Therefore, rukyatul hilal or observation is held at the beginning of the month. Meanwhile, according to Muhammadiyah, it is determined by means of reckoning based on certain criteria.

Isbat Session

At present the role in determining the beginning of Ramadan and Eid has been taken by the government. Considering Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the world.

On August 16, 1972, the Ministry of Religion issued a letter no. 76 of 1972 concerning the Establishment of the Hisab and Rukyat Agency (BHR) of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. This institution is under the auspices of the Directorate General of Islamic Community Guidance with members of the government, astronomers, and scholars.

By referring to the reckoning and rukyatul hilal. BHR held an Isbat Session. Isbat literally can be interpreted as a presentation, determination, and determination.

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas (center) accompanied by Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi (right) and Chairman of Commission VIII DPR Yandri Susanto (left) gave a statement after the Isbat session to determine the beginning of the month of Shawwal 1442 H at the Ministry of Religion Office on May 11, 2011. ( Between)

The Isbat Session was held behind closed doors, involving the Ministry of Religion, MUI, Islamic organizations such as NU and Muhammadiyah. After the determination of Ramadan, Syawal and Djuhijjah made a joint decision, a press conference was held to announce the results to the public as quoted from the kemenag.go.id page.

The existence of differences in the celebration of Eid today is no longer considered a strange thing. The mass media actually make this an interesting news meal.