Affirmed Not To Use JIS For Demonstration, Said Iqbal: JIS Is Used By Workers As A Place For May Day Fastival

JAKARTA - The President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal clarified the plans for labor groups to use the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) in commemoration of May Day or Labor Day.

Iqbal emphasized that workers will use JIS not for demonstrations, but for festival activities involving around 100,000 workers on 14 May.

The festival activities include speeches, art performances, remarks from the Labor Party from various countries, to live streams with friends who also celebrate in the regions.

"I want to explain that JIS is used by workers as a place for celebrations or festivals to commemorate May Day. So it is not a place for action," Iqbal said in his statement, quoted on Tuesday, April 26.

Iqbal said that so far KSPI and other labor unions used to use Gelora Bung Karno, Istora Senayan, and even Sports Mall Kelapa Gading for labor activities.

Therefore, Iqbal views that the use of JIS as a gathering place for workers with large numbers of people should be allowed.

"In addition to football matches, the allotment of the stadium can be used as music concerts, festivals, and other large gatherings," he said.

Moreover, he continued, the workers will pay the rent and security deposit if there is damage to the stadium used.

He emphasized that the workers did not intend to use JIS for free. So, the political party elites in the DKI DPRD do not need to worry about the impact of the damage that will occur during the May Day celebration.

"We are dues. It is customary for us to pay for every union activity from dues. Why beard fires. How scared. Why are you sensitive to labor activities? Don't worry that DKI will become the victory of the labor party," he said.

Previously, a member of the Gerindra faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Syarif, admitted that he did not agree that JIS was used by labor groups to carry out May Day or Labor Day actions. There's no such thing," said Syarif. Syarif said that at this time JIS had just held a soft launch. In a sense, the operation of the international standard stadium can not be run perfectly. Bearing in mind, there are still minor repairs and cleaning that need to be done on the existing facilities. Moreover, Syarif views that the DKI Provincial Government and JIS management will be in trouble in managing traffic and maintaining security if tens of thousands of workers at one time crowded the area. also have to coordinate with the management, security, and the DKI Provincial Government. Can you or not regulate traffic engineering with a capacity of, for example, 85 thousand people? I don't think you can," he said.