Jember Migrant Care Project Officer Bambang Teguh Karyanto Said His Party Was Encouraging The Acceleration Of COVID-19 Vaccination For Indonesian Migrant Workers And Their Families In Local Districts.

JEMBER - Jember Migrant Care Project Officer Bambang Teguh Karyanto said his party was encouraging the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination for Indonesian migrant workers and their families in local districts. migrant workers and their families to participate in vaccinations 1, 2 to boosters," said Bambang Teguh Karyanto in Jember Regency, Friday, April 22. the second dose of at least 60 percent. "Migrant Care and the Health Service collaborate to provide facilities for the migrant worker community in Jember and their families and relatives to accelerate the vaccination target," he said. percent of migrant workers and former workers Migrant workers have received COVID-19 vaccinations. "The results of the temporary data collection show that around 400 migrant workers have been vaccinated since the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19 and some have been vaccinated when they returned to Indonesia," he said. Bambang said Migrant Care had also held vaccination socialization. which is followed by members of the migrant worker community, so it is hoped that they can increase their knowledge regarding vaccination and accelerate the achievement of vaccination targets in Jember. Jember," he said. Not only that, he continued, the community of former migrant workers who worked in the Migrant Workers Care Village (Desbumi) also provided socialization to the community to participate in vaccinations. There are four Desbumi under the guidance of Migrant Care in Jember, namely Wonoasri Village. in Tempurejo District, Sabrang Village and Ambulu Village in Ambulu District and Dukuh Dempok Village in Wuluhan District.