America, Britain And Canada Walk Out During The G20 Meeting When The Russian Delegation Talked

JAKARTA – The meeting of finance ministers (Ministers of Finance) of the G20 members which was held in Washington DC, United States was marked by the walk out of several countries while the Russian delegation was talking. The countries that boycotted were America, Britain and Canada.

In a written statement, British Finance Minister Rishi Sunak said this stance was taken as a protest against Russia's "special military operation" on Ukrainian territory.

"We are united to condemn Russia's war against Ukraine and will push for stronger international coordination to punish Russia," he said via Twitter account @RishiSunak on Thursday, April 21, West Indonesia time.

It was also mentioned that the Ukrainian delegation who attended the same agenda chose to leave the room as a form of resistance to Russian aggression in their country. This incident itself occurred in the middle of the big IMF-WBG Spring Meetings 2022 event.

No doubt, the current situation makes Indonesia's task in leading the G20 years even more difficult. The reason is, The Republic of Indonesia (RI) must be able to accommodate the interests of Russia and also western countries which are both joined in the membership structure.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani who was present at the event explained that conditions were changing very quickly. In fact, at the last meeting at the beginning of the year in Jakarta, all member countries were still able to gather without any significant tension.

"The situation changed very quickly after the meeting in Jakarta last February," he stressed.

The state treasurer also promised to try to lobby countries so that tensions can quickly melt away.

"Indonesia will continue to communicate intensively with all members of the G20 in order to achieve good cooperation," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.