Check Readiness Of Homecoming Lebaran, National Police Chief Says PT KAI Adds 20 Thousand Seats Per Day

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) provided an additional 20,000 seats for travelers. This addition is done to prevent the accumulation of passengers at the train station.

"PT KAI is ready to increase the seating capacity to reach 20 thousand per day," said General Sigit at Senen Station, Jakarta, Wednesday, April 20.

With the addition of capacity, a series of trains can carry 50 thousand passengers. That way, the community can be served well. This additional capacity is also carried out because the train is an alternative transportation for travelers.

"So that people who are going home can use their vehicles to enter because it is special, then people who are going home can take trains that are prepared for passengers," he explained.

Sigit also appealed to private companies to arrange employee leave early in accordance with President Joko Widodo's direction.

"We hope that leave can be granted in advance, for example starting from D-8 so that everything doesn't pile up on D-3, D-2, D-1," said the National Police Chief.