Sido Muncul Contributes IDR 700 Million For 1,000 Duafa And Five Islamic Boarding Schools

JAKARTA - In the month of Ramadan 1443 H, PT Industri Jamu & Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk shared its kindness by providing assistance worth IDR 700 million for 1,000 poor people in Semarang Regency and five Islamic boarding schools (Pondok Pesantren).
On the same occasion, Sido Muncul also signed a collaboration with Nusantara Utama Cita (NU Circle) regarding the Empowerment of Islamic Boarding Schools and Student Learning through Spice and Medicinal Plant Commodities.
Director of Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat, said that the cooperation was the company's effort to make Islamic boarding schools economically independent. According to him, Islamic boarding schools under the auspices of NU Circle have various potentials.
One of them is a large area that can be used for agriculture. The pesantren needs business partners who can absorb agricultural products so that they can be empowered and independent.
"As a herbal medicine company, we need to receive agricultural products from Islamic boarding schools for the raw materials for our products. Therefore, we provide ourselves as a partner as well as a market", said Irwan at the Sido Muncul office, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 19.
In addition to collaborating with NU Circle, Sido Muncul also provided assistance of IDR 700 million for five Islamic boarding schools and 1,000 poor people in Semarang Regency. In detail, a donation of IDR 500 million was distributed to five Islamic boarding schools and IDR 200 million to 1,000 poor people.
"I am very grateful to be able to represent to assist the needy. Every month of Ramadan, Sido Muncul does this. In my opinion, this is very practical and has been running for 16 years. A few days ago, we handed over compensation of IDR 200 million to 1,000 orphans and Duafa near the Sido Muncul office in Jakarta. Today, we again provided compensation to 1,000 poor people in Semarang Regency and five Islamic boarding schools. Each Islamic boarding school will receive IDR 100 million. In addition, we also signed an MOU in cooperation with NU Circle", added Irwan.
Apart from Irwan Hidayat, the Assistant for Economics and Development of Semarang Regency, Suratno, who represented the Regent of Semarang Haji Ngesti Nugraha, and Chairman of Nusantara Utama Cita (NU Circle) Gatot Prio Utomo, were also present.
The assistance will be given to:
1. Salafiyah Al Coliliya Islamic Boarding School - Pasuruan, which was symbolically handed over to Gus Ridwan,
2. Syailhona Cholil Islamic Boarding School - Madura, which was symbolically handed over to Gus Hafsin
3. The Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School - Pemalang, which was symbolically handed over to Gus Alwi
4. The Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School - Banyumas, which was symbolically handed over to Gus Ajir
5. Raudlatul Tholibin Islamic Boarding School - Rembang, which was symbolically handed over to Gus Rizal Wijaya.