Surabaya RPH Guarantees Safe Meat Stock Until Eid

SURABAYA - Regional Slaughterhouse Company (RPH) Surya Surabaya guarantees that the stock of meat in the "City of Heroes" on the eve of Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri or after is safe.

"We have prepared anticipatory steps and the meat needs for the community are guaranteed to be safe because the stock is sufficient," said RPH Surya President Director Fajar Arifianto Isnugroho as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

According to him, in five days or D-5 to D-3 before Eid al-Fitr, it is estimated that demand will increase by up to 20 percent because people buy stock for the holidays.

Therefore, one of the efforts made to anticipate this is by increasing the number of cattle slaughtering which is usually 160 heads per night to 180 heads per night.

In addition, the stock at the meat house is also guaranteed to be guaranteed because it is provided as an alternative for the community, including selling it at a stable price. "In principle, we want to ensure that people get the best meat, guaranteed quality at a friendly price," he said.

The RPH, Fajar said, would close on the 1st of Eid and reopen as usual on the H+3 or three days after Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri.

"We urge the public not to panic buy and carry out wholesale actions because the stock is guaranteed to be safe even during Eid. Buy as needed as needed because the best quality meat can be stored in the refrigerator for a certain period of time," he said.

Meanwhile, until the second week of Ramadan this year, the stock of meat is still sufficient. It is estimated that the increase in demand will occur on D-3 Lebaran. It is also predicted that the price will increase even though it is still within reasonable limits or an increase of up to IDR 10.000 per kilogram.

Currently, the price of beef with quality number 1 is IDR 120 thousand per kilogram, quality number 2 is IDR 117 thousand per kilogram, and IDR 110 thousand per kilogram for the third quality.

"There is an increase, but we guarantee it is still reasonable. We are also working with related associations to maintain supply so that prices remain stable," he said.