BNPT Value Of The Parent NII Of All Terrorist Networks In Indonesia, Papuan KKB Included? This Is The Explanation
JAKARTA - The Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) is the parent of a terror network whose ultimate goal is to replace the Pancasila ideology with an ideology or religious system, according to the Director of Prevention of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Brigadier General R. Ahmad Nurwakhid.
"The NII is clearly the mother of all terror networks in Indonesia, wherein 1993 the NII followed global geopolitical developments until it finally split into JAT (Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid), JAD (Jamaah Ansharut Daulah), and so on", said Nurwakhid in a press statement received by the BNPT Peace Media Center in Jakarta, Wednesday 20 April.
So, according to him, the arrest of 16 NII members was the right step by the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terrorism Police Headquarters. The arrest of NII members who want to overthrow the legitimate government before 2024 is a preventive justice and early anticipation step, he added.
"This is precisely an effort to anticipate from an early age. So, what is called counter-terrorism, according to the mandate of Law Number 5 of 2018, must be holistic (comprehensive), comprehensive from upstream to downstream. Downstream is the legal process or law enforcement, the upstream is prevention, namely preventive justice, by arresting and taking action", he explained.
Although members and followers of the movement are still a minority, according to him, the existence of the NII is a serious threat. This is related to the main agenda of NII to take over power to replace the state ideology with a religious system that they believe to be true through various scenarios and strategies.
"The strategy they do apart from taqiyah (hiding identity) is tamkin, namely influencing all lines, creating conflicts to create chaos (chaos) to accelerate their agenda, such as the Poso and Ambon cases", he said.
Quoting the statement from the son of the founder of Darul Islam/Indonesian Army Islam (DI/TII), Sarjono Kartoesuwiryo, he said that according to official data, there are still around 2 million members of the NII, not including sympathizers who have not been registered.
Sarjono himself has pledged allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia at the Jakarta Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Office in 2019.
Nurwakhid also dismissed the public's doubts about the existence of the NII, which was seen as an exaggeration by the authorities in establishing the group as a terror movement.
"So whoever they are, whether it's JAD, JI (Jemaah Islamiyah), NII, if the elements of a criminal act of terror are sufficient, then we will immediately take action. Furthermore, they will be processed by law and deradicalized to bring them back to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia", he insisted.
On the same occasion, he pushed for the formation of regulations to prohibit ideologies that contradict Pancasila and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This is intended so that in the future the relevant authorities and stakeholders can immediately take decisive steps to break the anti-Pancasila and anti-NKRI ideologies.
"There is no regulation that prohibits it, even though they have done takfiri, show intolerance towards diversity, exclusiveness towards the environment, and anti-legitimate government, and so on; it can't be dealt with", he said regretfully.
Therefore, he hopes that all Indonesian people can interpret the arrest of NII members who threaten state sovereignty as a national alert, and also support the efforts of the Government and related stakeholders.
"Once again, this must be a national alert; and we must support the efforts made by Special Detachment 88 National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, BNPT, and other stakeholders", he said.