Revealed! The Perpetrator Of The Shooting Of The Makassar Transportation Agency Employee, A Police Officer With The Initials SL

MAKASSAR - Head of Makassar Polrestabes Kombes Budhi Haryanto revealed that the executor of the alleged shooting case that killed Makassar Transportation Service employee Najamuddin Sewang was a member of the National Police.

"According to the leadership's instructions, no one is above the law and there is a firm process for all those involved," he stressed in the release of the disclosure of the shooting case at the Makassar Police Headquarters, as reported by Antara, Monday, April 18.

He said the disclosure of the shooting case began with the arrest by the shooter with the initials SL.

Although he admits that he is a member of the National Police, he is reluctant to specify where SL works and how long he has been a Bhayangkara.

"What is certain is that we do not discriminate, we are professionals in handling every case. Even if a police officer is involved in a crime, he will still face the law," he said.

Kombes Budhi Haryanto stated that SL's desire was to help Iqbal Asnan, who is none other than the Head of Makassar PP Police, to succeed in his mission of eliminating the victim Najamuddin Sewang because he felt the pain.

"If this SL does not ask for payment, he is both in the same village as MIA. SL feels sick when MIA is hurt," he explained.

In this case, the police have named five suspects, each with the initials MIA (Kasatpol PP Makassar), SU, CA, AS, and SL.

MIA or Iqbal Asnan himself acted as the mastermind of the murder, assisted by four other people as planners and executioners.

Previously, the shooting of Makassar Transportation Agency employee Najamuddin Sewang occurred at around 10:00 WITA on Jalan Danau Tanjung Bunga, Sunday (3/4), after controlling traffic on Jalan Metro Tanjung Bunga.

Before it was known as a murder case, the police stated it was a single traffic accident case due to a heart attack. Likewise when taken to the nearest hospital.

However, when the body arrived at his house and was about to be bathed, the family found a hole like a gunshot mark in the left armpit and finally the body was taken to Bhayangkara Hospital for an autopsy.

Two hours after the autopsy, a team of police doctors at Bhayangkara Hospital managed to remove the projectile lodged in the victim's lungs which was also the cause of death due to a leaky lung caused by being hit by a bullet.