Preventing Crime Actions, Kak Seto Asks The Government To Prepare Expression Rooms For Children

TANGERANG - The chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI), Seto Mulyadi or Kak Seto spoke about the rise of criminal cases involving children.

According to him, to prevent crime, the government or related agencies must provide children with free space for expression. This is done so that they are able to channel their creativity during the search for identity.

Not only that, said Seto, assessing that communication in the family sphere is also very much needed. So that parents know the form of the right to hear the wishes of the child in the family.

"So that children feel close to their families and parents can supervise their children easily," said Kak Seto during the WHTR Ngopi Item Pokja discussion at Alam Sutra Mall, Tangerang City, quoted on Sunday, April 17.

Maybe we are referring to one dream of this nation, the government has launched the Child-friendly Indonesia (IDOLA) program and then stimulated it to the city level, child-friendly districts, then child-friendly sub-districts, child-friendly RW, child-friendly RT, to child-friendly families," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the South Tangerang City Satpol PP Service, Sapta Mulyana, said that his party often found children and teenagers who had the potential to cause disturbances in public order security (Kamtibmas).

Therefore, his party together with the police ask parents to supervise their children so that they are not influenced by content or calls on social media that can plunge them into things that can be detrimental.

"This is a trick for parents to keep an eye on their children when mom and dad are busy working, at the age of children who can't choose positive content like on YouTube, then choose YouTube specifically for children, and also apply the time limit feature. on a cell phone," he said.