Police Ensure Good Friday Worship In Belitung Is Safe And Conducive

BANGKABELITUNG - The Belitung Resort Police, the Regional Police of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, ensured that the implementation of the Good Friday worship service in the area was safe and conducive. Belitung, Poltak Commissioner ST Purba in Tanjung Pandan, Friday April 15. According to him, the Belitung Police have deployed 65 personnel to secure eight churches in the area that are carrying out Good Friday services." every church is different, we still adjust for security," he said as quoted by Antara. who came, including an appeal to To implement health protocols. He said this was aimed at anticipating unwanted situations that could potentially interfere with the implementation of worship. "So far, the situation has been monitored smoothly, conducive, and without security disturbances," he said.