The West Sulawesi Regional Police Failed The Circulation Of Five Kilograms Of Drugs, Two People Become Suspects

MAMUJU - The West Sulawesi Police managed to thwart the circulation of five kilograms of methamphetamine by arresting two perpetrators suspected of being dealers and confiscating evidence.

"We managed to uncover a case of drug trafficking and managed to confiscate five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine," said Director of the Narcotics Investigation of the West Sulawesi Regional Police, Commissioner Alps, in Mamuju, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 13.

Two perpetrators suspected of being drug dealers with evidence of five kilograms of methamphetamine were arrested, continued Alps, namely WA (24) and RPT (22), both of whom were arrested at a house in Rangas Barat, Rangas Village, Banggae District, Majene Regency.

Both, added Alps, had to be paralyzed with shots in the legs for resisting when they were about to be arrested.

"We were forced to take decisive and measured action by immobilizing the two perpetrators, because they resisted being arrested. Currently, both are undergoing treatment at the Bhayangkara Polda Sulbar Hospital in Mamuju," said Alps.

In carrying out their action, the perpetrators added, Alps, tried to trick the officers by hiding methamphetamine in the middle of a pile of egg racks that had previously been perforated.

"Their method to trick the officers was to put the illicit goods in a pile of egg racks that had holes in the middle, but we managed to unload them," said Alps. succeeded in dismantling the practice of hoarding subsidized diesel fuel (BBM).

He explained that in the arrest, his party managed to secure one perpetrator with the initials FAP (31) with evidence, as many as 157 jerry cans, seven drums containing subsidized diesel fuel, 61 empty jerry cans, one empty drum and one pickup car.

"In carrying out the action, the perpetrator took subsidized diesel fuel at the Kalukku gas station using jerry cans and then stored it in a shelter which was then resold at a higher price than the original price," Afrizal explained.

"We will call the gas station to find out the extent of their involvement and it is possible that we will make the gas station manager a suspect if it is proven that he is cooperating with the perpetrators," he added.