KPU: 75 Political Parties With Legal Entities Can Participate In The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - The KPU recorded the number of political parties (parties) that have legal entities amounted to 75. All political parties are entitled to participate in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"The latest information is that there are 75 legal political parties that have the right to register as political parties participating in the election, but we will confirm the latest data again in April before registration starts," Hasyim told reporters at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 12, quoted from Antara. .

Hasyim said that after his party got clear names regarding the political parties entitled to participate in the election, the KPU would periodically invite several parties to conduct socialization.

“Socialization is about how the stages of the registration process for political parties are. Likewise, we will invite the IT team (information and technology) or the Sipol team (political party information system) from each political party as we practiced in 2017," he said.

On this occasion, Hasyim explained that the registration of political parties in the 2024 General Election will take place from August 1 to December 14, 2022.

He explained that his party had prepared a program for KPU regulations regarding the registration of political parties, then the instruments to be used.

“We have communicated with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. We will ask for the most up-to-date information this month about what and how many political parties with legal entities can participate as participants in the 2024 General Election," he said.

Regarding the preparations for the election and the DPR which is approaching its recess period, Hasyim said that it is very possible to discuss preparations for the election during the recess, including discussing the stages and budget.

"As in the results of the ratas (limited meeting), the President some time ago responded and conveyed a communication to the KPU that it is very possible during the recess if things or discussions are needed to complete the preparation for the 2024 General Election stage," said Hasyim.

On Wednesday, April 13, he said, the KPU will hold a hearing with the DPR and it is hoped that they will be able to agree on the KPU Regulation concerning the 2024 Election Stages.

He revealed that the KPU had received support from the leadership of the DPR, especially the Budget Agency and Commission II of the DPR RI regarding the existence of budget support.

“KPU has proposed an institutional budget of around Rp. 86 trillion, then it has been rationalized to around Rp. 76 trillion. We can still calculate which ones are urgent and need to be financed,” he said.